ECM Toolbox User Permission Reports Demo

ECM Toolbox User Permission Reports Demo

The User Permissions Module from ECM Toolbox gives you the power to easily and quickly answer who has access to which records, what a person can do with those records and if those records are protected. Annual system audits are now as simple as running a report and having the department managers confirm if their employee access is correct or needs to be changed.

In this demo, we will go through multiple scenarios of how the report feature can be and show you just how easy it is to run a report see who has access to what.

Example 1

Human Resources called and would like to see who has access to the records in ApplicationXtender. So we are going to run a full “Application Report“. By running a search on “Human Resources” you can view all the users and their permissions. There are many different document security levels for instance, CASO Admins have full permissions while HR users can only view and print.

We also run a customized list looking for only those who have the ability to “Delete Documents” within HR. We will search again for “Human Resources“. Now we have a much shorter and easier to see list of which users have the permissions to delete documents in HR.

Example 2

Now later in the day the System Admin receives a call requesting to see which permission Patricia King has. So this time we will run a full “User Report” and search for Patricia King. Just like that we can see which applications and permissions Patricia King has access to.

And there you have it… Running a report in OpenText ApplicationXtender with ECM Toolbox User Permission is just that easy.

Contact ECM Toolbox for a User Permissions Module demo or to learn more

By |2020-08-13T14:38:28+00:00May 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ECM Toolbox User Permission Reports Demo