ECM Toolbox has added another solution and partner – ICS Dental Claims Processing Software by Information Capture Solutions. This solution is an automated, high-volume claims form capture and processing solution built on OpenText Captiva Capture technology. It processes all ADA-regulated dental claim forms quickly and efficiently — even those not designed for capture. ICS creates a complete workflow, allowing an insurance payer to process and pay a dental service provider or to reimburse plan members automatically and accurately.
Beyond its processing efficiency, ICS Dental Claims Processing Software brings new accountability and auditing capability to the claims process. The solution generates reports using an advanced system that is easily accessible, covering metrics that will show all work queues — including manual queues — and the volume of claims within them. Diverse forms can be extracted efficiently, and typically processed the same day the claim was received.
This is another step to providing a central location where partners and clients can learn about solutions to help them improve efficiency, gain control of their records and save money.